Other core components
120kW gas-water separator
Water separation efficiency>96%, 喝草to ensure the normal 熱女operation of the system西路

Centrifugal separation is 從路used to facilitate low temperature col錯我d start

The design of the flow channel and th習紅e cavity is reasonable, there is no 文了water blocking phenomenon, and th話們e flow resistance is v跳亮ery small

Water separation effic雨到iency>96%, to ensure the norma開你l operation of the system

Balance point between perf街黃ormance and volume: 器從reduce volume from the ov近內erall power density while 女嗎meeting performance requirements

100% independent intelle我看ctual property rights, can be cus業下tomized design

Other core components問綠
120kW Hydrogen Ejector
Balance between perform藍看ance and volume: reduce volu鄉資me from the overall power density whi聽拍le meeting performance requirem微西ents
The power coverage range c師數an reach 10%~100%, which 子物can well meet the curren機還t power usage requirements of co山刀mmercial vehicles

Balance between perform路如ance and volume: reduce 藍站volume from the overal錢短l power density while meeting perfor她得mance requirements

The pressure fluctuation cau女行sed by intermittent d師唱ischarge is fully co又報nsidered in the design, so that the得場 system runs smoothly子書

100% independent intellectual p日兵roperty rights, can be c明黑ustomized design