Entreprise's news
Beijing Municipal Bureau 票低of Economy and Information Techno空兵logy went to Daxing I計吃nternational Hydroge機那n Energy Demonstration Area to inv也湖estigate the development of sta我我bility power in Beijing
wenli 2022-07-14 10:31 Posted in Be年森ijing

On July 12, Beijing Municipa小金l Bureau of Economy and Informat飛去ion Technology (hereinafte金的r referred to as the "M是可unicipal Bureau of Economy and風吃 Information Technology")區刀 went to Daxing Internation在視al Hydrogen Energy De和鄉monstration Zone to investigat懂電e the development of the hydroge裡山n energy industry in Daxing Distr快的ict, and made field 請你visits to Beijing Wenli, Yihuatong, Cow事外ell and other enterprises可視 in the zone. City by letter bureau 算身CaiLiaoChu shaolin, section he些關ad Li Jinglong, deputy dir場她ector of the cold, daxing district ec長說onomic and informatio視年n bureau Gao Bing back and d員草eputy director of the juan-juan家在 ren, project coco ChangSunJi南和ng, zhongguancun hydrogen and fuel木什 cell technology innovation i樹長ndustry association secretary-ge醫年neral Lu Chen already, deputy secretary聽錢-general Sun Haotian, daxing interna吧件tional hydrogen demon水看stration industry dep對媽artment director xie tao, etc. 兵在To participate in re秒為search communication.

During the visit, the investigatio城土n team of the Municipal Bu兒舊reau of Economy and Information Tec機商hnology came to the "Hydrogen Qi Zer可務o Carbon" factory in Wen吃東li, Beijing, and got 長鐘a detailed understanding of the 友跳company's independent researc視女h and development technolog金小y, product advantages, 慢討production capacity and marke放分t promotion and applicatio去妹n. Leng Shaolin, deputy director o草來f the Materials Departm謝報ent of the Municipal Bureau of Eco呢坐nomy and Information Technology, spec快快ifically asked the progress of th但自e research and development of the fuel 但要cell forklift system為了, and the effective exploration of B城新eijing Wenli on the route of開厭 forklift truck syste商哥m cost reduction.

"Hydrogen Qi Zero Carbon" plant is a f秒樹uel cell research and deve友錢lopment intelligent manufact從司uring system built by Beijing Wenl弟朋i based on the deepening of se志老lf-research and self-made abi劇鐵lity. It has a fuel cell syst村街em assembly production li煙城ne, air floating air compressor test w子區orkshop, ultra-high speed motor con亮兒troller test workshop and other 遠線modern production and develo火遠pment centers.

The assembly production line of但綠 fuel cell system is a flexib西話le production line based on er化什gonomics, which can realize 一讀the replacement produc門風tion of heavy truck system and forklif低購t truck system by replacing the 市山tooling. The whole line is d遠坐ivided into eight points, includi市男ng assembly and on-lin個物e inspection station, 視木the AGV car pulled a l長少oad of logistics implementation of the票錢 flexible loop, the MES system 靜習for real-time control of produ科鐵ction process, with a fool proof, mist熱她ake proofing, traces the functions s謝術uch as data, 2000 sets of single 在黑class capacity, through intelligent man銀費ufacturing and strict quality 分電control, realizing lean 上船production, Accelerate跳個 the market application of制女 fuel cell technology.

It is worth mentioning that the "Tuo" 1器術20+, a new-generatio花學n commercial vehicle fuel cell system 內湖of Beijing Wenli being packaged in 車些this production line, has 來道recently passed the strong in土關spection of the Nation車理al Motor Vehicle Product Qua就麗lity Inspection and Testing文體 Center. The system is equi水木pped with a number of self-deve身都loped parts from Beijing We下大nli. The whole machine has這子 a compact structure, with a volume 鄉術power density of 516.8W/L and a mass知從 power density of 60長水3W/kg.

Stabilizing force learned that Beiji民理ng deep hydrogen and fuel cell indust民動ry steadily over the years, thr服公ough high r&d can xu li fu, 農弟take innovation advantage from也下 the whole industry cha麗術in layout, take the lead to achieve th身白e core components to s現海ystem integration, to the 河物end product self-independence o冷靜f whole chain is a high lev笑筆el of technical resear那爸ch and development, won the domestic an腦樹d foreign government and indus匠友try body recognition and certi區輛fication authority, The research team 見笑of the Municipal Bureau of Econ東事omy and Information Technology ga醫唱ve a high degree of recog機體nition, and expressed strong support輛公 for the continuous innovation o北下f hydrogen energy ente通玩rprises.

Look to the future, the nati姐物onal "3060" double top 雜坐carbon strategy planning gr湖低adually clear, usher in rapid de哥校velopment of new energy indu長制stry, stabilizing force will actively r湖鐵espond to visit Beijing leadershi照子p put forward the valuable suggestion分火, make full use of indu窗亮stry resources and development of the 計得hydrogen based, responsibili也鐵ty explorations gree為媽n energy transformation, co見外ntinue to deepen the independent 和西innovation, renewable energ雜明y and hydrogen technology depth 也畫fusion.We will explore zero-car白拿bon cycle technologies from green el快鄉ectricity to green hydrogen and then 林都to green electricity, build co自煙mprehensive energy solutions內中 for a green future, and comprehensivel相近y contribute to the goal of net zero e少分missions.