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Hydrogen cooperation | B唱鄉eijing stabilizing forces日們 the first international h兵員ydrogen fuel battery sweepe白農r appearance building demonstration are女樹a, open more green intelligent swee開答p clean
wenli tech 2022-09-29 09:23 Posted in 鄉紙Beijing
On September 8, t白海he second Annual Hydrogen Ecolog光鄉y Conference of 2022 H2-Eco was 坐妹successfully held in Daxing 體喝International Hydrogen 鐘房Energy Demonstration工什 Zone. The hydrogen ecological confere錢文nce sponsored by the daxing internatio對開nal hydrogen demonstration zone, in Be吃看ijing's daxing district people's區文 government's strong support and gu花校idance, gather the hydroge不土n industry experts, research inst大林itutes, industry organization and e拍是nterprise strength, listen to制黃 the voice, to discuss the hydroge信國n industry development present situa低文tion and trend of complicity i通可n building a future hydrog她要en society.

The 2nd International Annual Conf兒樂erence on Hydrogen E了外cology, with the theme of "Hydro離綠gen Fusion, Creating the Future", ga長綠thered the latest achieveme低放nts in the development 白大of hydrogen energy industry a高從t home and abroad. It wa國東s divided into three core sections:路做 domestic innovation, int頻冷ernational vision and scientific innova街議tion achievements exhibition.

"Road" 5+, the first fue紅學l cell sweeper of Beijing We光新npower, made its debut in th銀雪e second International Hydr火為ogen Ecology Annual Conferenc身畫e 2022 H2-Eco. With su劇票perior environmental adaptability, s視小ustainable green intelligent章很 cleaning, zero emission制外 and no pollution, it attra業不cted many guests to stop and watch i人去n the exhibition hall of Hydrogen Ene舊員rgy Exchange Center.離業

Beijing power fuel cell sw身風eeper, pick up a new 如雪generation of custom developme這看nt and design of fuel cell syst數廠em, internal integrated fuel ce讀公ll systems, power battery 風街and hydrogen storage system,煙很 saving space, easy to maintain, 3 min長白utes to complete hydroge嗎聽nation, lasting 6 ~ 8 hours work, lo靜和w noise, zero emissions, open mo有著re clean smart green clean明筆ing, hydrogen and the urban 時件environment better.

On September 28, the delivery cere白金mony of Beijing Wenli's first fuel 費作cell sweeper was successf麗靜ully held at the Hydrogen Ener多頻gy Exchange Center. Relevant le區熱aders of Shuimu Xingchuang 司放and Beijing Wenli jointly attended th店的e ceremony.

In Daxing International Hydr地廠ogen Energy Demonstratio刀問n Park, we have welcomed a風窗 new partner of hydrogen and爸的 hydrogen, which opens a cle好微aner green intelligent cl學笑eaning and provides zero 湖小emission hydrogen powe大信r for intelligent solutions of就得 outdoor cleaning.

Daxing International Hydrogen Ene冷木rgy Demonstration Zone (hereinafter 技作referred to as the Demonstratio光多n Zone) was officially launched友子 on August 8, 2020, comm短老itted to creating the world朋技's leading hydrogen technology applicat件議ion scene and hydrog姐間en technology enterprise incuba訊拿tion demonstration zone. 北公Demonstration area based on the g玩時lobal vision and interna也是tional standards, build to filling sta些小tion network, science and te新拿chnology park, application s冷雜cenario for the three ca拿市rrier, with industry fund, the秒很 enterprise alliance, scientific rese匠習arch institutes, colleges and universit看窗ies experiment bases, industrial cha小門in, supply chain and special p外哥olicies to support th大讀e "3 + N" hydrogen industry devel愛火opment of ecological sys拍文tem, to promote the hydrogen 慢腦industry chugging along. As a hi樂章gh-tech enterprise in the field事件 of hydrogen energy, B購農eijing Wenli officia飛空lly entered Daxing Int我妹ernational Hydrogen Energy D用爸emonstration Zone in 2021.

In recent years, Beijing Wenli has bee答畫n focusing on the field of 間舞hydrogen energy and fuel cells 拿件with scientific and techn照內ological innovation and ind音和ustrial achievements. It h鐘東as created a series of f都東uel cell products and their拿數 core components wit遠務h stronger output performance,還學 higher reliability and more flexibl術微e adaptability, laying a solid found空裡ation for meeting diversified market d小山emands. It is not only appl關雪ied to commercial vehicles, f那森orklifts, sweeper and other con器腦struction machinery vehicles到那, but also extended to mobile p弟業ower supply, distributed power stati林人on and other non-vehicle fi少了elds. Beijing Wenli 章和fully opens up the clean ener拍湖gy application market, t離們hrough the customized "區多optical hydrogen storage and 得在application integration" solution刀坐, from zero carbon green electricity s器姐elf-use to clean green hydrogen ene影東rgy storage application, for more微能 industrial parks and 吧著cities/towns/counties t路飛o enable zero-carbon transformation.是黃

Stabilizing force for the fu報紙ture, Beijing will continue to "i時東nnovation driven, hydrogen injection to務能" explore mental chugging along, 雨白looking forward to de音街ep cooperation with more ind票唱ustry partners, in Beijing daxing sail問場 hydrogen in the hydrogen ecological 房謝new heights, with science月樂 and technology innovation as做低 the industry can as姐媽sign, hydrogen power buildi玩從ng ecological high quality development,為站 draw clean energy a better bluepri歌地nt.