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The "double recruitment通是 and double introduction"學腦; investigation team of做公 Hebei Provincial Office in司錢 Beijing visited Wenli to explore 師筆the high-quality development of h低場ydrogen energy industry
Wenli Tech 2022-10-29 10:57 Posted i鐵化n Beijing
The offices in書行 Hebei province on Octob訊坐er 27, level 1 inspector wang,美車 Beijing institutions 去為in Hebei province, deputy director歌舊 of the office for the double f場對or double guide xingtai do secret懂高ary from Beijing investmen算自t promotion, Beijing e-town i志放nternational industrial d兒生ean Liu Yin a line to the building 畫花hydrogen demonstration 聽音research that hydrogen industry develop文子ment situation, visiting Beijing stabil我都izing force "hydrogen and z司討ero carbon factory" to習但 visit the communication時廠 and negotiation, Beijing stable power 可懂technical director accompa湖鐘nied the inspection.

During this visit, the team visited銀謝 the production workshop話裡, product exhibition cente化媽r and testing center of Beijing木民 Wenli, and learned about the i會放ntelligent manufacturing system o可唱f fuel cell R&D and the whole indus愛化trial chain layout of Beiji飛村ng Wenli. The leaders年去 of the investigation team made in-雨東depth inquiries on the breakthrough 亮雨of independent core technology, prec明到ision process breakthrough, superior作業 performance of fuel cell products, 北樂intelligent manufacturing produ靜森ction system and other aspects of 關為Beijing Wenli.

A watch group about fuel cell system i我身ntelligent assembly platform demon鐘拍stration, understand the fu他玩el cell system upgrade 舞厭iteration, team leader of Beij科技ing stabilizing force for many yea城熱rs deep hydrogen precipitation in t些窗he field of independent research and 來風development strength gi子銀ve full affirmation, said in the gr行們een energy development und會煙er the impetus of the transforma訊科tion of zero carbon, fuel cel飛長l technology application pr銀樂ospect is considerable. During對但 the visit, the two sides discus請北sed the advantages of hydrogen techno到農logy and the current marke坐章t application scale, and站靜 said that the hydrogen energy 離作storage industry will have樂醫 a broader space for development i讀媽n the future.

At the symposium, the technical direct女長or of Beijing Wenli intro音視duced the development histo長樹ry, production capacity, b關但reakthrough research and devel藍也opment results and marketing work of B土照eijing Wenli to the 火月investigation team in detai月北l. The leaders of the investigation t務這eam listened to the f慢農our major advantages of Beijing Wenl爸市i, such as technology, equipment,拿們 cost and industry, and fully recogn快數ized the price competitiveness of Beiji開坐ng Wenli. The leaders of the investiga還低tion team expressed the hope that這人 Beijing Wenli will con家懂tinuously improve the comprehensi多動ve strength of enterprises and contrib路生ute a scientific and 人道technological innovation 水慢force to help the country achieve the秒工 goal of "double carbon".

Then, b line in ou yi visited Beijing雨劇 science and technolo間很gy co., LTD. Inspect 長雜the operation of the fuel cel數又l system sensor applicat新近ion, in ZhiLun hydrogen technology (B懂來eijing) co., LTD to vi訊民sit vacuum gas detection equipment場要, gw era in Beijing energy technol校票ogy co., LTD. Details about elect討能ric pile and after-s舞雨ales battery recycling謝司 pilot use hydrogen energy indu樂新stry the core technology products and s工個ervices.

Team leader said the 制爸Beijing office team visi化金ted Beijing daxing internatio技土nal hydrogen demonstration a科中rea in hebei province,要呢 fieldwork park hydrogen fi呢聽eld of high-tech enterprise關可s, aimed at deepening region遠坐al "double double gui暗數de" to work with industry 微去exchanges and cooperati少紅on, to discuss the hydrogen industry h弟友igh quality development, optimize 暗黑energy structure, pr短哥omote economic, reliable, green cle短呢an energy application這學s.

In double carbon targets話間, driven by rapid developme自線nt of new energy industry, stabi唱白lizing force will acti花說vely respond to visit 熱懂Beijing leadership put f務算orward the valuable sugg土師estion, make full use of industr南林ial resources and the hydro船房gen development foundation, respo問妹nsibility explorations green energy tra城雪nsformation, continue to制花 deepen the independent innov吧畫ation, renewable energy and hydrog務訊en technology depth fusion, strive 低自to explore hydrogen from green el火什ectricity to the green, then to green藍我 electricity the zero carbon cycle 都道of the whole chain technology, We 空下will build comprehensi中月ve energy solutions for a g場會reen future and fully contrib醫工ute to the goal of net 答什zero emissions.