Industry news
Heavy attention! The Beijing-Tianjin-H慢作ebei fuel cell vehicle demonstratio請公n city cluster was officiall算舞y launched
Wenli Tech 2021-12-26 老外11:05 Posted in Beijing
On December 25, 2021, the launch商站 ceremony of Beijing-錢話Tianjin-Hebei Fuel cell Vehi錯筆cle Demonstration Ci術光ty Group and the first 他長work of the leading g師問roup of "Leading the Hydroge自機n Energy Future · Creating 國信the Double Carbon Era" was held in路風 Daxing International Hydrogen Ener舞金gy Demonstration Zone.

The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Fuel cell 去鐵Vehicle Demonstration間視 City Cluster was successf裡煙ully approved as the first g愛麗roup of national city clusters. Under t熱件he guidance of the People's Gov一我ernment of Beijing Muni務低cipality, the People's 文風Government of Tianjin Municipal就到ity, the People's Governmen地刀t of Hebei and the People's Gove家睡rnment of Shandong Pr那書ovince, By the Beijing municipal fina線商nce bureau, Beijing economic and i志家nformation bureau, Beijin快火g daxing district, Beijing haidian 關光district people's gov廠件ernment of the people's govern著人ment, the Beijing mu火雪nicipal people's government o拿志f fangshan district, Beijing 廠火shunyi district, Beijing 關說changping district peopl到從e's government of the peop會從le's government, Beijing yanqing dist腦笑rict people's governmen店金t, the Beijing economi費店c and technological de司窗velopment zone managemen有看t committee, people's government of ti著服anjin binhai new area, 人花baoding city, hebei provinc問遠e people's government The People's Gove鐘對rnment of Tangshan City of 綠低Hebei Province, the People's Governm黑文ent of Zibo City of Shandong Provi技理nce, and the People's Go動多vernment of Binzhou City of Sh生機andong Province; It is 說靜organized by Tsinghua Industrial De子匠velopment Research Institute, Bei樹讀jing Daxing District E也鐵conomic and Information 木物Technology Bureau, Bei鄉多jing Transportation Development Rese和玩arch Institute; It is co-organized by Z跳冷hongguancun Hydrogen Energy and F男請uel Cell Technology I火小nnovation Industry Alliance, Beiqi Foto件制n Automobile Co., LT行船D., Beijing Yihuatong Techno習作logy Co., LTD., Shuimu 間線Xingchuang (Beijing)湖了 Technology Development Co., LTD.

Yin Yong, Standing Committee M信術ember and Vice Mayor o靜愛f Beijing Municipal Committee, an就區d Lian Maojun, Standing鐘這 Committee Member of 美務Tianjin Municipal Committee and 靜靜Secretary of Binhai Ne腦我w Area District Committ數她ee attended and addressed the mee白房ting. Ministry of Finance, the M長這inistry of Industry and Information Tec理愛hnology leadership, and 12 to part草我icipate in the city (area) leading離亮 to start the beijing-tianjin-hebei urb不日an agglomeration, fuel-cell vehi爸但cle demonstration five indu醫呢stry experts and 12 key enterprises, i資理ncluding Beijing stabilizin裡有g force representatives attended t事都he meeting, to witne女匠ss the launch of beijin這麗g-tianjin-hebei urban agglo習農meration of fuel-cell商裡 vehicle demonstration, jinsong zhang p吃照resided over the meet信們ing, deputy secretary-general of the理書 Beijing municipal governmen外動t.

Beijing municipal committee, deput制南y mayor YanYong pointed out tha愛道t Beijing as the beijing-tianjin-hebei 來森urban agglomeration of fuel-cell 音刀vehicle demonstration led city, to 大讀give full play to their 光票role as the engine of scie和但nce and technology innovation, and tia員明njin, hebei, shandong comp森樂licity, efficient coordination, indus個明trial facilities, formed complem謝費entary advantages, coordination, gre事美en ecological sustainable hydrogen in姐年dustry, We need to crea熱北te demonstrative effects and mo為城del innovations that ca什可n be popularized and replicated across 水離the country, and work together to creat車友e new heights for the develo還車pment of the hydrogen energy industry a為藍nd new models for the demo員飛nstration of fuel cell vehicles.

The meeting stressed車遠 that hydrogen energy, as a clean and e路算fficient secondary energy s友白ource, will bring new o水船pportunities for the develo對理pment of fuel cell veh子報icles in the context of the "dual car女窗bon" goal. In recent years, China舞黃 has attached great importa藍了nce to the development of fuel cell v山店ehicles and the hydrogen energy indus說煙try, including hydrogen energy in現暗 the national 14th Fi日照ve-Year Plan and the 2035 vision 兵能goal. The geographical proximity of Bei歌工jing, Tianjin and Hebei Provin如友ce and the integration of in議離dustries have the inherent鄉時 advantages of jointly carrying out fue師話l cell vehicle demonstratio樂場n. We will amplify Beijing's advan你化tages in technological鐵作 innovation and policy sources, eff姐科ectively promote the coordinate志科d development of Beijing, Tianjin and 小男Hebei through the fuel cell v會拍ehicle industry chain coordination and電笑 cross-regional scene demonst南玩ration and promotion, bui媽友ld a green energy community, lead a河動nd drive the sustainable 黃放and prosperous develop草木ment of the whole hydrogen energy i東拿ndustry chain, and push the develop和海ment of the hydrogen energy i短遠ndustry into a new era and embark on a 人作new journey.

The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei fuel見問 cell vehicle demonstration c湖還ity cluster was officiall報朋y launched

The application for the Beijing-Ti刀報anjin-Hebei Fuel cell Vehicle Demonstr關通ation Cluster was led by t服風he Beijing Municipal Bur吧話eau of Finance and the Daxing distri場要ct government, and con票吧sists of six districts in Beijin信水g including Daxing, Ha又從idian and Changping, as 謝制well as 12 cities (distr雨事icts) including Tianjin Binhai New門他 Area, Baoding and T海低angshan in Hebei Province, and Binz多紅hou and Zibo in Shandong Provin好煙ce.

At the conference, Yin Yong, Vice m地服ayor of Beijing and representatives 討說from Tianjin, Tangshan, Baoding算玩, Zibo and Binzhou partici外木pated in the launching and award服這ing ceremony of the Beijing-Tianj冷我in-Hebei fuel cell Veh黃朋icle Demonstration City Group,你森 marking the official launch of the 小外Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei fuel 可微cell vehicle Demonstr請學ation City group.

The plan for implementing 制錢model city clusters was off河答icially released

The meeting released頻些 several important d美一ocuments, including t話也he Implementation Plan司近 for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebe訊西i Fuel Cell Vehicle Demonstr如子ation City Cluster (Br知習ief) (hereinafter referred to as 做我the Implementation Plan), the Annual數遠 Task Plan for the Beijing-Ti子文anjin-Hebei Fuel Cell Ve明校hicle Demonstration Cit如又y Cluster, and the Workin時通g Mechanism for the B校匠eijing-Tianjin-Hebei Fuel Cel音購l Vehicle Demonstration City Cluste化時r.

"Implementation plan" sets the g鐘數oals and tasks of "1 + 4 + 5" sy店通stem, establish technical 器車independent innovation 校紙is completed, the whole industry機得 chain of closed-loop ecological susta費拍inable development, regio還音nal integration synerg制喝y industry 1 overall動麗 objectives, key technol的內ogy to achieve 100% l科很ocalization, high quality i森西ndustrial cluster building, the vehicl弟數e application demonstration, friendly 這見environment makes a total 行雜of four sub-objectiv樂筆es, And supporting the key task線不s covering five areas.

In combination with the loca快白tion conditions and resource 暗了endowment of each city, the div自花ision of labor and pos林你itioning of "one core,離說 two chains and four dist鐵匠ricts" are establish城影ed. As the core, Beijing wi會農ll play a leading role in scientific店匠 and technological i微老nnovation, R&D and manufactur件秒ing of key components and vehicles學銀; Construction of Beijing-T從務ianjin-Baoding-Zibo indust外說rial development chain 唱用and Beijing-Baoding-Binzhou hydrogen 志明energy supply chain; In Yanqing D樹計istrict, Binhai New Area, Tangshan Cit相子y and Baoding City, four雨大 special scene demonstration z件議ones will be built, namely, Winter Oly離好mpics, port, ore, stee年得l and building materials transportation日人.

Expert appointment ceremony

At the ceremony, four exper請會ts -- Li Yadong, Academician of t服煙he Chinese Academy of Sciences, Li 是車Jianqiu, dean of the School of Vehic煙睡les and Delivery at Tsinghua Universit答黑y, Jin Qinxian, president of 那民the Tsinghua Institut線動e of Industrial Developme有商nt in Beijing, and Fu Chungan, se理在cretary general of the China 習錯Industrial Gas Industry Associat員木ion -- were awarded the title說那 of "Special Experts for the B事去eijing-Tianjin-Hebei Fuel cell Vehicle煙新 Demonstration City Cluster".

The first meeting on promo關文ting the work of Demonstration city 鄉黑clusters was held

After the launch meeting, the刀樹 first working promotion meeting of the資有 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei fue他北l cell vehicle Demonstra雜玩tion city cluster was 資些held. Beijing Municip放你al Bureau of Finance, Beijing M務草unicipal Bureau of Eco遠醫nomy and Information 間慢Technology, leaders of 12 cities (d看器istricts) in the demonstration cit電海y group and leading departments att農河ended the meeting.

The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei fuel器線 cell vehicle Demonstra小身tion city cluster will 東得make all-out efforts 會影to promote the high-quality develo器事pment of the hydrogen energy ind那能ustry, focusing on cultiva分相ting an independently developed indust視裡rial system, building multiple計嗎 and complementary applicatio線秒n scenarios, building a hi理拍gh-quality and efficient h他中ydrogen energy support netw照還ork, forming a flexible and innovat但外ive business model, and科對 establishing a precise and effic錯做ient policy system. During 文文the demonstration period, 一船the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei demon了雜stration city cluster will achie姐秒ve technical breakthroughs and indus話金trialization of eight core 黑議components, and the application o如議f no less than 5,300 vehic西器les, the cost reduction of vehicle輛但 purchase by more than 40%, the constr光河uction of no less than 49 new hydr短關ogenation stations, and the se遠草lling price of hydrogen g暗錢as no higher than 30 yuan/kg.