Industry news
And stabilizing force pus去他hing the hydrogen ind市不ustry development | Beijing討了 to attend the zhongguancun hydrogen 放讀and fuel cell technology innovation i湖問ndustry alliance the fi會我rst sessions of the general assembly
Wenli Tech 2022-09-09車金 20:03 Posted in Beijing
On the morning of Septembe道睡r 8th, the second meeting of the 1st冷林 General Assembly of Zhongguanc頻玩un Hydrogen Energy and Fuel 務舊Cell Technology Innovation Industr答年y Alliance (hereinafter匠什 referred to as the 哥影"meeting") was successfully held筆技 in Beijing Daxing Inter綠東national Hydrogen Energy Demonstratio花腦n Zone.

Leng Shaolin, deputy Director看近 of Materials Industry Division o訊制f Beijing Municipal Bu個喝reau of Economy and Information Technol拍路ogy, Ren Juanjuan, deputy di科月rector of Daxing District Bure文物au of Economy and Inf些機ormation Technology, Liu Yajie, chair懂街man of Shuimu Xingch村近uang, operator of the Park, atte中會nded the meeting. Representatives 湖歌of the Alliance, governi還自ng units, supervisory為她 units, member units a門樂nd the secretariat team a分見ttended the meeting. 林照The meeting was chaire鐘來d by Professor Han Minfang of Tsi近跳nghua University, Executive Vi冷關ce president of the Alliance.

The meeting was held in the form舞商 of "online + offline", includ海知ing the agenda of "speech很光 and initiative, allianc店章e work report, introduction 愛船of plans for new board members, voting見又 for co-election of board membe紙吧rs and vice chairman units, introductio師了n of Beijing Hydrogen energy 坐員industry support pol在那icy", and the whole meeting was l行我ive streamed online.

Conference speech and hydrogen i長喝ndustry initiative link, first by the B短我eijing Municipal Bureau of Eco城他nomy and Information Techn小著ology Materials Industry Departm快很ent deputy Director Leng Shaolin d看區elivered a speech. Deputy Director Leng湖坐 Shaolin congratulated the conven低分ing of the meeting, 喝草introduced the developme姐玩nt and promotion of Beijing's 機房hydrogen energy industry, 事電such as the implementat家為ion of the implementation 妹紙plan, comprehensive demonstration子少 planning, policy and measur如南e issuance, and expressed 生弟his gratitude to the secr笑門etariat of the Allian爸笑ce and the core backbone enterprises f草員or their support and coop聽鐵eration. He hoped th短秒at the Alliance could fu土問rther play its role as a platform to 民唱efficiently integrate a就校dvantageous industrial resources. Joint愛懂ly promote the development o老書f hydrogen energy industry in村聽 Beijing.

Zhang Guoqiang, chairman那討 of the Alliance and cha時家irman of Yihuatong, affir花學med the work of the A舞國lliance secretariat in his subse信弟quent speech, believing 音務that under the guidance of th店窗e competent government輛水 departments and the j暗樹oint efforts of the core membe時好r units and the secretariat team, th師坐e Alliance has become a highly i藍子nfluential industry platform in the Be志道ijing-Tianjin-Hebei hyd問西rogen energy industry. Zhang Guoqiang p裡草ointed out that under t上家he new situation, the alliance少下 should strengthen the c年去ore backbone of the alliance 醫吃with an open and win-win strategic thin又生king, expand the business 和事layout, and better play the 舞低role of serving members, the indust不冷ry and the government as a platform.

In the election session o月書f the meeting, Hua Qingso空會ng, deputy secretary-g吧生eneral of the Alliance, first introduc快街ed the plan of the new governing units 白美and the 13 candidate units in d但了etail. Sun Dongsheng, c你雜hief supervisor of the Alliance, presid城們ed over the election and acted as th民低e chief vote supervisor. After 樹雜the election, 13 candidates,區雨 including Jingneng Group, Tianha員一i Industry, CSSC Parui Hydrogen Energ笑費y, Huadian Heavy Industry, Shougang作場 Research Institute of Technolog雪光y, CIMC Anruike, Dongfang Electri公生c Hydrogen Energy, petrochina Explora姐筆tion Institute, 101 Aer個影ospace Institutes, China Quality Ce數也rtification Center, Beijing Power So請雨urce, Zhongke Fuhai and Shuimu Xingc綠金huang, were elected as di男新rectors of the alliance. Li Jun外得liang, chief expert of Yans火畫han Petrochemical, Zhang Yinguang, 日女General manager of Guo視公hydrogen Technology, Qin Zhidong, v煙河ice president of Beiqi Foton, 計技Sui Xiaofeng, deputy g外舊eneral manager of Jingneng Group, Zhang村光 Jiheng, general manager of Tianhai Ind長光ustry, and Zhang Yuguang, general 場你manager of CSSC Parui Hydr司間ogen Energy were officially ele音明cted as vice chairmen of the 那不alliance.

Sui Xiaofeng, deputy genera身匠l manager of Jingneng Group, del白生ivered a speech on be玩時half of the new deputy dir店兵ector general of the al下媽liance. He said that Jingneng G事音roup will actively integrate開唱 into the overall dev農爸elopment layout of the hydrogen ener制又gy industry in Beijing,鐘物 strengthen the coop笑湖eration with the member units of the弟為 alliance in scientific an外工d technological work, demonstrat暗那ion layout, industrial pro就來motion and other aspects, 一女and fully support th路要e work and development of t遠樹he alliance.

In the section of proposal村間 introduction, Qi Zhigang, Secretary唱玩-General of the Expert Committee of th舞醫e Alliance, introduced th間我e proposal of establishing是通 the Standardization Work雜書ing Committee and the Liquid hydrog就拍en Professional Committee of the A房上lliance to the conference, an刀金d explained the backgr腦雜ound, organization setting and wo又少rk planning of the proposal in慢書 detail. The proposal was formal女對ly approved by the conferen員文ce.

As a high-tech enterprise 船月focusing on the design, development,有光 production and sales of 章作fuel cell systems and comp話電onents (BOP), Beijing Wenli was 雨鐵selected as the first memb紙看er of Zhongguancun Hydrogen Energy 還著and Fuel cell Technology Innovat理電ion Industry Alliance in 2021. At p費城resent, Beijing Wenli has formed劇民 a business model with "fuel嗎笑 cell system development tech腦農nical services", "fuel cell 遠媽air system and hydrogen sys校作tem design and development", "opt高技ical hydrogen storage and applica答我tion integration" as the co議哥re, committed to become a high-end說木 solution provider of o湖時ptical hydrogen storage 自跳and application integration, global 見票air compressor and fuel cell s低學ystem product leadership brand.

Hydrogen energy is an 可多important part of the future national 廠在energy system, an important 輛志carrier of energy terminal to achieve g購謝reen and low-carbon tr但火ansition, and a key devel拿湖opment direction of strategic eme下機rging industries. It plays國員 an important supportin在問g role in achieving the goal o妹理f carbon peak and carbo村秒n neutrality. In the next step, Beijing歌就 Wenli will actively take adva現對ntage of the diversified influenc大車e of Zhongguancun Hydr國樂ogen Energy and Fuel得商 cell Technology Innov人車ation Industry Alliance platform, s信唱uch as "member service, government serv個懂ice, industry research, internatio湖的nal cooperation, public publicity", 電中to promote the rapid applicat風動ion of hydrogen energy in transpo業用rtation, construction黑聽, energy storage and other fields, so紙算 as to achieve the smooth realizat下愛ion of the dual carbon goal of訊笑 continuous energy. Further strengthe熱影n exchanges and cooperation with身喝 member units of the Alliance, 做坐jointly promote the high-quality de哥那velopment of hydrogen energy industry, 兒制and jointly accelerate the bright futu金草re of hydrogen energy.