Media perspective
China Industry News: Pre理國ss the innovation "accel中風eration key" Beijing Kerui &窗中quot;beach" new樂放 energy track
Wenli Tech 2022-10-21 20:06 P聽市osted in Beijing
At present, the ne了林w round of scientific明農 and technological re拿頻volution and industrial transf下車ormation is gaining momentum in th藍農e world. Technological inn校分ovation has become a 器笑new engine driving economic deve懂電lopment. New industries and technolog兒吃ies will create new dev務姐elopment space and ne場山w growth opportunities. Recen理紙tly, in the "High quality development 照化of energy" financial m計爸edia activity, Fu Xiaodong, cha體錢irman of Beijing Kerui, believes that t跳錢he science and technol們還ogy game has become the main batt些窗lefield of international s技很trategic game, the competition ar信家ound the commanding heights of從微 science and technology is unpreced拍外eningly fierce. "All industries土鐘 are dependent on power dist森一ribution," he said. "白海The core is whether the 自亮product quality is strong, w答嗎hether it captures the needs o資湖f the market, whether it can adapt to如國 the changes in the market. B訊道eijing Kerui focuses on th現地e main business and 了國only carries out business layout i費讀n the familiar fields. 錢自Among them, energy storage 花影technology, hydrogen energy tech麗鄉nology, smart grid tech又見nology, distributed pho問微tovoltaic power genera子刀tion technology and multi-ener道知gy complementary technology ar雜用e the core and key tec員新hnologies, which are also著森 the key scientific and technological f能小ields of Beijing Kerui.

Fu Xiaodong stressed that呢門 science and technolog他來y innovation has become t短路he primary strategic poli這下cy guidance with more e兵科mphasis in the new era. As a technolo亮店gy power distribution e從哥nterprise in a listed company, i視刀t is not easy for Beijing開城 Kerui to diversify its dev民費elopment. Therefore, am劇你ong several kinds of product北歌s, such as inverters and core co村老mponents of optical hydrogen storage, 可線Beijing Kerui only chooses products clo歌著se to the market and works hard on its車現 core products.

We will create new adva對音ntages in scientific and 通窗technological innovation

Beijing Kerui was born開讀 in the science and technology en件村trepreneurship team of Chi和友na Electric Power Academy of還話 Sciences, and was born with the gene o多聽f scientific and technological i外我nnovation. Fu Xiaodong bel冷計ieves that under the global wav讀術e of scientific and technological湖紅 innovation and the nationa北這l strategy of scientific a些門nd technological innovatio街爸n, Beijing Kerui shou答通ld continue to carry forward the 得習spirit of scientific and technolo開雪gical innovation, positi習分on independent innovation as the prim笑懂ary strategic positi筆是on in sustainable development, and tak麗工e the leading independent inno愛車vation as the strategic北光 core advantage of et月理ernal pursuit.

"Enterprises should actively inte行體grate their own science and tec時不hnology innovation strategies in火年to the national science and technolog下信y innovation strategy, and d那錯o a solid job in science and 工相technology innovation." F現行u Xiaodong said. This deter員線mines that Beijing Kerui should答樹 go all out to do a good job 答農in independent innovation, activ媽藍ely respond to the ch裡舊allenges of industrial upgradin劇男g, respond to the pol事姐icy of high-quality developme家亮nt of manufacturing indust林朋ry, consolidate and upgra男白de the manufacturing sector of Kerui歌視, improve the qualit為在y and efficiency of t暗拍he manufacturing sector as soon 影個as possible, quickly微技 build the competitiveness of B山從eijing Kerui manufacturin大厭g industry, and promote the high-q現店uality development of manufact但去uring industry.

Today, the world is faci市得ng a new round of scient區呢ific and technological revolution, 海我and the innovative t算輛echnologies that trigger the 就制technological revolution and 務弟industrial transformation are熱地 mainly concentrated in the four m煙門ajor fields of infor冷多mation, energy, biolog理南y, materials and manufacturin市匠g. Among them, the one that 海員has the closest relationship with 刀市Beijing Keri is energy. Specif南窗ically, it is the new ener事可gy technology characterized by gre熱們en, low-carbon, intelligent, effi光劇cient and diversified and comple熱做mentary. Fu Xiaodong said that the 那小new energy technology is em線讀bodied in three transitions: the金謝 energy structure will realize the 綠廠transformation from fossil energy to 照地multi-energy complementary, energy pro化術duction will realize the trans不船formation from centralized power genera熱服tion to distributed power generation, 鐵學and energy transmission an女風d distribution will realize the trans都車formation from artificial control匠文 to intelligent control.

Fu Xiaodong analysis, to im計們prove the ability of independent inno短和vation is a systematic engineer費街ing. The first is strategic guidance視舊. Beijing Kerui has formulated a "知跳two-wheel drive" strat女站egy, in which the core technologies 雜森such as integrated energy man窗間agement technology, distri笑少buted photovoltaic technology, energy 黃自storage technology and h森開ydrogen energy techno術姐logy with intelligent micro-grid and mu遠員lti-energy complementari對爸ty as the core are strate年放gic growth points and new growth 紅海drivers for development. It has化男 formulated strategic plans and動行 scientific and technological從國 innovation strategic plans to imple嗎金ment the "two-wheel drive" 家用strategy.

Beijing Kerui adheres to the in場自dependent innovation of core tech化舊nologies, realizes the師白 safety and control of the indu我人strial chain, is committ年懂ed to the construction of interna你劇l research and development吧妹 institution system and external 路拍research and development suppor去到t system, based on the 路朋market demand, strengthen the product訊低 market application-oriented tec的電hnology research and development,紙志 improve the product technology conten裡銀t; Integrate and cooperate with 問船the technical basis o湖體f the old track and the new track to fo低新rm a technological achievement sys書音tem with core competit吃森ive advantages; Innovative coop音體eration mode, actively undertake t吧飛he industrialization of scient河雜ific and technological achieve老了ments of universities and research inst坐去itutes, and actively strive to 如人undertake the scientific inn紙體ovation projects of national l能會aboratories, key laboratories a雪家nd local product technolo議放gy centers or key laboratories; Bui南車ld a solid industrial culture雨從, lean production and quality mana謝樂gement system to support t長秒he realization of scientific and tec林議hnological innovation goals.

It is understood tha電光t the company takes ta城化lents as the core, implements the 得又strategy of talents 街藍to strengthen the ente房業rprise, and actively cult空微ivates the talent team with the con有近sciousness of innovation. We w大拿ill carry out institutional innovati下房on, optimize the equi報個ty incentive and dividend mechani錯麗sm, increase rewards for scientific a訊分nd technological innovation, 吧地strengthen the excha購著nge and interaction of work這微 experience of mass en制關trepreneurship and inno哥大vation, and stimulate the vital購資ity of independent in南不novation among employees.討花

In addition to strengthening human re看大sources, the company activ時和ely deepens scientif文件ic research and innovation公看 in quality management, and好樹 implements innovation-driven d要都evelopment strategy. Lay機謝 out research and dev窗些elopment centers in the commanding he員也ights of technology, integrate兒間 research and development resources,務計 and accelerate technol也要ogy research and devel知會opment.

We will accelerate the工又 distribution of new energy business子鐵es

Starting from a smal火能l room of less than 10 squ用中are meters in China Electric Pow慢多er Academy of Sciences, to owning湖票 a single R & D build藍男ing in Beijing Zhongguancun 暗腦Software Park, and setting up 吃線a number of molecular companies些票, with a development 厭畫history of 34 years, Beijing Cr如廠eech has experienced 學樂the development track of "difficult e銀動ntrepreneurship, hard explo數河ration, rapid developmen站就t, industrial transformati拍請on, stable development, and ente請窗ring the capital market".

Beijing Kerui Party Secreta友事ry Miao Liping told reporters視爸 that the company is closely明鐘 following the pace of n不睡ational reform and o醫的pening up all the way up the ent林懂erprise, thanks to the nati呢舊onal policy enabling,匠好 through the development p東冷rocess of technology, tra河子de, industry, and developed i紅工nto a new technology enterprise combin知讀ing manufacturing and service indu火務stry.

Technical difficulties caused by 是水industry changes, pro公的duct demands trigger木頻ed by market changes and competition弟好 challenges in the p拍爸roduct market. In order t拍空o win the market and t男日he future, we need not關作 only the decisiveness to grasp th務媽e opportunity, but al雜中so the wisdom to know ourselves and o店科ur competitors and maximize t個跳he differentiation of advantages.

Beijing Kerui focus on the main筆農 business, rapid development of serv雜都ice industry. The company actively la也喝yout IGBT, optical hydrogen stora數場ge and charging technology, and coo山音perate with leading enterprises好男 in the industry to explore the離說 development of new energy媽樹 business and comprehensive energy ser去日vice business, and strive to provide th作醫e whole industry partners with 見會new energy power generation, e的舊nergy storage, charging, hydrogen見水 energy application, comp的店rehensive energy man林線agement and other inte司舊grated solutions. Under the backgr算弟ound of the national "dual carbon" stra物花tegy, the company independen西錢tly researched and dev得件eloped a comprehensive energ從醫y management and control and ser影件vice platform based on "s習們ource-nets-charge-storage", i弟在ntegrating advanced tec為會hnologies such as cloud compu書吧ting, big data, Intern歌又et of Things, mobile Internet and s習黃mart energy. Rapid constr裡頻uction of energy saving, power demand s影金ide, electricity, energy輛工 efficiency management, energy st都草orage, micro grid integration and 上頻energy trading and other ecolog刀員ical applications, thr為頻ough the construction of digital pl房筆atform to achieve po兵地wer consumption, energy cons做又umption monitoring, with the he間會lp of HVAC, lighting, proces視綠s system and other modul外有es to save energy targets.

In the field of new energ算討y and energy storage, Beijing 熱和Keri has independently developed p廠路hotovoltaic micro-inverse, mega道坐watt photovoltaic hydrogen produc不為tion power supply system, clu好你ster commercial photovoltaic inverter, 要關energy storage system energy manage林技ment system, energy s行為torage controller, batter中到y management system, etc.,劇吧 and proposed an integra報音ted solution of "EMS+BMS+PCS+說林 fire control + grid-rela舞船ted control". In the field of hydroge錢線n energy, Beijing Wenli Technol子河ogy Co., LTD., a subsid地高iary of Beijing Kerui, has deeply i他草nvested in the hydroge們國n energy industry, independently日舞 researched and developed sev錢從eral types of hydrogen fuel cell 我微engine systems, and 如白provided integrated so北請lutions for hydrogen production, stora計大ge and application. It is committed 電音to building a green energy de媽厭velopment mode of "renewable e銀要nergy + hydrogen + co麗說ntrol" hydrogen-elec也年tric coupling system.

The progress and development of enter錯司prises cannot be separated from sci費作entific and technologica新唱l innovation. Fu Xiaodong intr科海oduced, the current 答生digital wave, Beijing Kerui press th開知e innovation "acceleratio金就n key", out of a road 店遠of independent innovation development. 算購Beijing Kerui adopts the world'技唱s top SAP system to update the ERP mana文門gement system, introduces the PLM s雨民ystem to manage the whole life 得雨cycle of products, and realizes the 劇車seamless connection between fr坐慢ont-end research and development de雜舞sign and back-end production and o湖火peration. It not only lays the informat的費ion management foundation for mode很知rn production and manufa短木cturing upgrade, but als技木o adopts a large num媽時ber of intelligent manuf土費acturing means. SMT machine, wave sol我和dering, laser cutting, bending machine,頻子 automatic down line system, MC-5劇懂0 CNC bus punching and cutting 謝西machine, GJCNC-BMA CNC bus arc對草 processing machine, weld作什ing robot, CNC cutting machine, au資生tomatic pressing assembly lin生紙e, automatic packaging line, au樂唱tomatic sealing line and oth們你er advanced equipment a媽風nd automatic production line電內, greatly improve the production effic鐘票iency and product quality, Further 知又improve the market comp間姐etitiveness.

In recent years, China has introdu都媽ced a series of industrial policie慢吧s on distribution network inve我票stment, urbanization and ru低會ral power grid transformati都站on, which provide a good友商 foundation for the sustain近區able development of tr兵腦ansmission and distributio白吃n and control equipment industry. Zhu 報外Ming, general manager of 黃商Beijing Corui, introduced 地又that during the "14th Five-Year Plan"關船 period, China's power 子林grid investment will be further increas能來ed, and the distribution 間藍link will become the focus of smar服爸t grid construction in the future. "鐵作Beijing Keri belongs to the power tr快的ansmission and distri票林bution and control eq藍玩uipment manufacturing i議信ndustry, the products are 中不widely used in power grid, new energy, 是術infrastructure, high-end equi校看pment, energy conservation and enviro影拿nmental protection and other fields, 著他starting from the research鄉新 and development and manu你人facturing of power distribu內通tion equipment and distr短水ibution network fault detec一請tion technology, has form飛術ed three business systems of唱靜 power distribution equipment re和拍search and development and manufa書員cturing, new energy investm報男ent and construction, smart信商 energy management. It i花上nvolves a series of p道匠roducts such as medium and low volt窗輛age switch, distribution transfor還民mer, distribution ne在照twork automation, power冷討 electronics and photov農有oltaic power generation." Zhu Min會能g said.