Media perspective
The Hidden driving force of Beij藍嗎ing Kerui: Resonance of the懂快 two "wings" of symbiotic 遠為innovation ecosystem
Wenli Tech 2022-10-24 09:41 Posted紅從 in Beijing
In recent days, Fu 如了Xiaodong, chairman of Beijing Keru物輛i, thought most about銀知 how to give full play to 章鐘the comprehensive advantage會裡s of innovative enterprises to he自討lp the country's hig暗舊h-level science and technolog東山y self-reliance.

As the chairman of Beijing K地我erui, Fu Xiaodong is deeply光技 aware of the importance of tech計商nological innovation for ent對火erprises. As Beijing Kerui fo術水unded in 1988 in China Electric Power R木綠esearch Institute, the 鐵房innovation gene has gone友們 deep into the "bone marrow". F化錢u Xiaodong said, "Enterprises shou窗吃ld actively integrate their own scie媽笑nce and technology innovat風家ion strategy into the national scien關聽ce and technology innovation stra能是tegy, do a solid job問河 in science and technology innovation, 輛草and contribute to the great cause志醫 of realizing the second centenary goa件有l of the country."

The surging power of sci購很entific and technological innovatio著我n

Beijing Kerui, born in the science 農來and technology entreprene拿音urship team of China Electric 姐音Power Academy of Sciences, is born為美 with the gene of scientific and tec內線hnological innovation, so that Beijin工劇g Kerui started its bus內制iness from less than 10 square meters服從 of room in the Academy of Electric P月光ower, and now has not only the 但雨headquarters buildin物熱g and research and development 老媽base of 25,000 square meters in t朋能he core zone of Beijing Zhon區鐘gguancun Software Park, Zhongguancun, 如件Also in Beijing Huairo鐵員u, Zhengzhou, Wuhan 錯場has an area of more th到公an 300 mu of production base, and se弟匠t up a number of molecular compan熱熱ies in the country.

On September 28, the delivery ceremony好資 of the first fuel cell sweeper of資用 Beijing Wenli, a subsid地間iary of Beijing Kerui, w樹煙as held at the Hydrogen Energy Exc知作hange Center. According to reports, the山文 sweeper is equipped with a new ge服間neration of customizable develo吧要pment and design of the fuel cell sys樹靜tem, internal integrated fuel cell紅地 system, power battery and hydrogen sto鐘這rage system, saving s內通pace, easy maintenance, 3 minutes to 技靜complete hydrogenati著線on, 6-8 hours lasting work化可, low noise, zero emissions.

This is just a microcos紅對m of the development of Beijing Kerui.微區 The verisimilar test of primary 可火and secondary fusion on col國的umn and distributed DTU project is v機內erified. YB□-40.5/0.8(0.69) H訊哥igh/low voltage preinsta他雨lled substation, low voltage swit離很chgear standardized d花科esign, high energy efficiency stan好年dardized silicon steel so土慢lid coil core distribution transformer學錯, high energy saving distribution tran放科sformer II, new generation I ne市朋w energy dry type transform影們er...... The researc都場h and development of each proj麗知ect has witnessed that Beijing呢他 Kerui takes "scientific and technolo明要gical innovation" as t兒路he surging power of development.

Today, Beijing Kerui, while consolidati電西ng its advantages in 南是the field of distribution equipment pr門輛oducts, actively layout IGBT, o術行ptical storage and hydrogen charg場姐ing technology, and coope農鄉rate with the industr電件y's leading enterprises新人, actively explore the development服西 of new energy busin匠關ess and comprehensive energy servic爸章e business, and strive to provide 日冷the whole industry par子中tners with new energy power gener從錢ation, energy storage, charging, hydrog白化en energy application, comp高市rehensive energy managem下機ent and other integrated solutions.

Fu Xiaodong pointed out that "core 技業technologies with independent intel計放lectual property rights are機影 the 'lifeblood' of enterprises. Ente東哥rprises must make continuous breakt視有hroughs in core technologies, master m媽站ore key technologies w頻信ith independent intellectual唱務 property rights, and m校黃aster the leading position 做弟in industrial development. We should票在 give full play to the leading and sup西上porting role of large enterprise劇到s, strengthen the building近是 of generic technology platfor志理ms, and promote integra小市ted innovation among midd懂飛le, downstream, large,在我 small and medium-sized enterprise市河s in the industrial chain."

"Two-wheel Drive" in the Symbio男銀tic Innovation Ecosy計我stem

It is based on this understa花的nding that Beijing Ker湖術ui regards independent innovation abil新飛ity as the core competence of the c兒懂ompany's persistent focus on building,件吧 and takes leading independent innovati術有on as the strategic co著間re advantage of the company兒新's eternal pursuit. According to Fu X姐會iaodong, the company日相 has developed a "two-wheel driv匠討e" strategy, which is to effectively ta煙腦mp intelligent manufacturi舞嗎ng and rapidly develop the ene刀兵rgy service industry. Whi女到le consolidating the advantage對舞s in the field of power distribu那個tion equipment, we will actively devel嗎笑op new energy business and 知得comprehensive energy service busin問長ess. Especially in the new energ的購y industry, its core technologie雪學s include: integrated energy ma村民nagement technology with intel家雨ligent micro-grid and multi-ene就厭rgy complementarity as the core, d又什istributed photovoltaic t時放echnology, energy storage tec請錯hnology and hydrogen energy 湖音technology, which is t老有he strategic growth point of Ke看吧rui.

Fu Xiaodong revealed to reporters tha子笑t the "base" of the "two-wheel d鐵紅rive" strategy is a strong support for錯黑 Beijing Kerui to adhe飛計re to the independent inno大志vation of core technologies and r場秒ealize the safety and contro得我l of the industrial cha女東in. Beijing Kerui is co朋志mmitted to building the compa睡如ny's internal research and development著用 institution system a還醫nd the company's external rese女月arch and development support sy熱但stem; Integrating the technical ba說雨se of the "old track" and the "new生下 track"; Actively und答煙ertake the industrial相又ization of scientific an機麗d technological achievemen農短ts of universities and research i拿樂nstitutes, and actively st小國rive to undertake the scientifi文要c innovation projects of national labo學那ratories, key laboratories a懂內nd local product technolog農醫y centers or key laboratories; Lean拍站 production and quality management s上人ystem to support the rea房動lization of scientif電章ic and technological innovation信暗 goals.

It is noteworthy that Beijing Kerui's村算 scientific and technologic銀樹al innovation has been 影站from research and devel喝匠opment to "joint development". It是開 not only actively strives to jointly西器 build a national industrial in作關novation center with colleges and uni友信versities, research i身答nstitutes and upstream and down上在stream enterprises of the 暗木industry to undertake m報輛ajor national scienc照自e and technology projects, b通草ut also actively seeks opportuniti物見es for mixed reform and jointly學木 transforms scientific rese吧短arch institutes to est快白ablish industrial research in自費stitutes. At the same 睡和time, Beijing Kerui actively空黑 cooperates with domestic upstream and 飛海downstream partners to 能生create a collaborativ都學e and symbiotic innovation e業很cosystem.

The result of scientif低民ic and technological innovati線人on is the recognition o森舞f the market. According 上們to Zhu Ming, general manager of Be兵好ijing Kerui, from the distribution ne河外twork side of the pr間習imary equipment market structure of熱村 the proportion of the situa會醫tion, the company engaged 一間in transformer, distribution box, 年文ring network and column products,但吃 accounted for more than 90%.

Zhu Ming further explained that Beij美自ing Kerui each product modul數海e has a professional R & D p時靜ersonnel engaged in the correspondi日睡ng technical research work. By the end 錢也of June 2020, the comp著了any and its subsidiaries ha年樂ve obtained a total o們土f 176 valid patents, including 52 inv為理ention patents, 121 utility m從微odel patents and 3 d照費esign patents. We have ob但喝tained 163 software Copyrights. It has 務到actively participate風林d in the revision of national key s船紅cientific research projects (863, etc.)些舞 and technical standards, and h水小as participated in th綠內e revision of 63 tec購自hnical standards so far.

Party Building as the Base and 章謝Talent as the core "Tw票身o-wing Resonance"

In Fu Xiaodong's understan民技ding, improving the ability of如要 independent innovation is a systema機事tic project. Among them, manageme制外nt for the base, talent for the林電 core. In terms of ma數窗nagement, we should not only ad照場here to the leading strategy o術務f scientific and techn黑問ological innovation, but also str房飛engthen the cohesion and centripe友人tal force from the orga少腦nization.

According to Miao Liping, Party Se雪信cretary of Beijing Kerui, B山些eijing Kerui gives full play to the 愛木role of Party organization a謝化nd vanguard role of Party members, maki懂笑ng Party building a red engine for t司工he sustainable and healthy developme行票nt of enterprises! On June 見到29, the Beijing Kerui P店嗎arty Committee was established. The Par窗東ty branch not only organize學上s party members to find problem科國s and think of countermeasur技林es for enterprises, but al妹務so puts forward suggestions on c他章larifying the conditions for selecting多不 and appointing management ca微雨dres and trying to compete o輛他penly in terms of cad司拿re management and team co習慢nstruction, improving the assessm讀站ent mechanism and training mecha中自nism of management cadres,請務 and making cadres younger.

Miao said the Beijing Kerui 舊西Party Committee and disciplin金相e inspection Commission will make t市兒alent training a priorit中離y. We will strengthen the ide件光ological development of non-Party membe可在rs, integrate professional eth討為ics into their job dut女子ies and work standards, and build技雪 a team of professionals with strong pr外著ofessional capabilities and high如紅 political quality. W多農e will improve the mech照匠anism for selecting and training offi路一cials, improve their work sty子拿le and discipline, an師日d ensure that enterprises are sustain照如able.

Not only that, Beijing Kerui to streng城行then human resources as t新相he core work, actively cultivate inn兵志ovative awareness of talent team. W月公e will carry out institutional 劇動innovation, optimize the equ多她ity incentive and dividend mechanis林熱m, increase rewards for scientif好音ic and technological innovation, 器門strengthen the exchange and inte司還raction of work experi鄉姐ence of mass entrepreneursh呢歌ip and innovation, and stimulate the 嗎通vitality of independent innovation amon舞會g employees.

Beijing Kerui is building its own t知技alent highland. According to電下 Zhu, as of the end of June, the numbe離裡r of research and develop都對ment staff in Beijing Col些知ley Group accounted for 14.7 per好計cent, of which 9.7 perce姐聽nt were those with a master's deg低銀ree or above, and 62.5 p厭長ercent were those with a bache體資lor's degree.

Today, Beijing Kerui, rely湖兒ing on the party building as the base a站愛nd talent as the cor姐身e, has become a new technol新媽ogy enterprise combining intelligent m風嗎anufacturing and energy來短 services. Under the background of the美討 national "dual carb志慢on" strategy, Beijing 行亮Keri independently devel花煙oped the "source - network -通綠 load - storage" Hui Yun CR80慢影00 comprehensive energy contr線北ol and service platform, the int好鐘egrated solution of "EMS+BMS+PCS+ fi聽又re control + net-relat唱司ed control", the hydrogen-electri廠你c coupling system green energy de什那velopment mode of "renewable 跳家energy + hydrogen + contr東刀ol"...... Is becoming a "new公城 engine", showing a surg場刀ing power to promote the realization of朋外 the national "double carbon喝上" goal.