Media perspective
The Party's top 20 press centers orga林麗nized journalists fro業著m home and abroad to音些 visit the Beijing Daxing得刀 International Hydrogen En吧空ergy Demonstration Zone a司月nd interview many high-end and 線下sophisticated enterprises in the zone
Wenli Tech 2022-10-19 09:47 國道Posted in Beijing
The top 20 press centers of 靜謝the Communist Party of China 校制organized a variety of 金喝activities for domestic 房章and foreign journalists. On the妹資 morning of October 18, the 一紅journalists visited the Dax呢風ing International Hydrogen Energy D秒銀emonstration Zone in Be靜科ijing. In the demonstration area, 得北the journalists succes風行sively visited the Hydrog為少en energy Exchange Center, Hypel Hydro火月genation Station, public testing cen很家ter, fuel cell system pr少器oduction workshop, and i南站nterviewed many high-en風歌d and sophisticated enterprises i少熱n the park, such as Y資音ihuatong and Beijing 說林Wenli.

The report of the 20th Natio光購nal Congress of the C子刀ommunist Party of China pr玩靜oposed to speed up the green 朋靜transformation of the developm海音ent mode, implement the overal醫機l conservation strategy, develop green煙媽 and low-carbon industries, adv雜些ocate green consumption, and 區還promote the formation of物為 green and low-carbon modes of produc什美tion and lifestyle.

In the "Hydrogen Qi Zero 答能carbon" plant, the head of熱是 Beijing Wenli Technolo風綠gy introduced to the repor術志ters in detail the "fuel cell forklif件吃t truck", "commercial vehicle 爸什fuel cell system", "large f森的low air supply system", "air compress計了or" and other core technology pr老業oducts and their part制身s, as well as through the replac站用ement of tooling to ac農現hieve the replacement兒外 of heavy truck system and fork爸和lift system of flexi還都ble production line.

"Hydrogen Qi Zero Carbon" facto員鐵ry is a fuel cell research and dev外明elopment intelligent manufacturing syst議綠em built by Beijing Wenli ba西得sed on the deepening of self-rese房鄉arch and self-made ab光雪ility. It has a fuel cell system a玩窗ssembly production line, air floati鄉湖ng air compressor test works雪又hop, ultra-high speed motor controll人一er test workshop and other modern pro窗河duction and development鐘知 centers, aiming to achieve lean pro他友duction through intel月白ligent manufacturing and strict知吧 quality control. Accel議拍erate the market applicatio從北n of fuel cell technology.

"We are encouraged t離木o listen to the report of the Party'得理s 20 National Congress. H友如ydrogen energy should b花日e the primary driving force in她要 technological innovation, and哥煙 better promote technolog農著ical innovation and industrial d新車evelopment in the hydrog煙黑en industry."

Ren Juanjuan, deputy金請 director of Beijing Daxing D雪中istrict Bureau of Economy and Informa訊技tion Technology, told re雪舞porters that Daxing 做火International Hydrogen Energy Demonstr玩也ation Zone is based on the mis計自sion of practicing the "double c街現arbon" goal, creating an open, in秒歌novative and independent ind山輛ustrial ecology, focusing on tec很對hnological innovatio站還n industry development and demonstr西我ation application, building a人爸 world-class hydrogen energy applica裡暗tion model room and 器著the main front of core technology. The土家 leading area of indu就知strial efficient collabor區爸ation and the demonstrat兒金ion area with internatio南光nal influence. Ren sai空器d the eight core components 子窗of hydrogen fuel cells have basically 厭制realized domestic autonomy, and the t資外echnology is constan關月tly being upgraded.

A number of surveyed enterprises雜河 in the park said that the hy銀的drogen energy industry is in th雨歌e early stage of commercialization金光. Under the "dual-carbon" goal森藍, the enterprises have m從西ade plans to greatly increase the 不亮capacity. They are full of expec熱音tations for the development of the hydr銀靜ogen energy industry an空公d believe that more rele街大vant policies will be introduced one af新理ter another.

Hydrogen energy is a靜我 kind of green and ef術科ficient secondary energy,通信 which is regarded as "the ultim舊她ate energy in the 21st century". Be視高ijing has issued a nu銀匠mber of hydrogen-rel件空ated policies to provide dire愛舞ctions and paths for the de男作velopment of hydrogen energy.暗懂 Daxing International Hydrogen 下鐘Energy Demonstration Zone emerged 但了at the historic moment, and b但習uilt a "3+4" hydrogen energy industrial議都 ecological system with hydrogenatio秒做n demonstration station, hydrogen ene兒請rgy exchange center and scie快個nce and technology park as業但 carriers, supported by industrial fun林近ds, enterprise allia見動nces, special policies and test 哥聽bases.

In the future, with t去土he completion and op朋鄉eration of Daxing International下頻 Hydrogen Energy Dem慢光onstration Zone and the gatherin南務g of many "advanced, sophistic匠了ated" enterprises, t商章he hydrogen energy indus在音try will be promoted to achieve high視城-quality development and make物什 new contributions to China術亮's ecological civilization con女冷struction.