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"New Track &mid分動dot; New future" B作裡eijing Wenli brought a number of cor兵玩e technology products t話能o the China (West) Hydrog飛雪en Energy Conference
Wenli 2023-09-14 18:5熱紅4 Posted in Beijing

On September 13, 2023, the China (West吧開) Hydrogen Energy Conference ho快生sted by Shaanxi Provincial De制時velopment and Reform Commissi厭民on, Shaanxi Provincial St學計ate-owned Assets Supervision and Admini熱懂stration Commission, and Yul店謝in Municipal People's Gove資黑rnment was held in Yulin Municipal 鐵小Convention and Exhib分靜ition Center. With the theme of "H很數ydrogen energy · New track裡制, Low carbon · New futu鐵裡re", the conference focused on t遠光he sustainable development of hy高愛drogen energy technolog謝用y, and fully discussed線線 and shared technology a暗東pplication on key, hot and difficult 了草issues such as opportunities and chal個說lenges faced by the hyd頻物rogen energy industry.


This conference relies on Sh信兵aanxi's strong layout advantage金關s in the upstream hydr聽個ogen production end, midstream stor區喝age and transportation e黑了nd, downstream hydroge遠錯nation and application end, and請呢 builds an efficient and high-qual能頻ity display and exchange platform for t在鐵he hydrogen energy industry th問能at integrates the functions of "b美低rand display, techni裡自cal exchange, trade coop門腦eration, publicity and promo月車tion, and international 遠農discussion". Many new products are d很訊ebuted, and big experts 下雜gather in Yulin. Exploring new舊討 track and new future of 火畫hydrogen energy industry.

China (West) Hydrogen Energy Ind裡呢ustry Technology and Equipment E鐘算xhibition as an import道電ant part of China (West)訊理 Hydrogen Energy Conference, this exh麗器ibition uses three pavi書慢lions H2, H3, H4, the exhibiti少白on scale of about 15,0是音00 square meters, the exhi鐘上bition site gathered m到離ore than 170 domestic and foreign 的他hydrogen energy industry chain en村大terprises, The exhibition covers the te農答chnical equipment, new products and t筆麗echnologies of the whole hydrogen fuel 妹做cell industry chain, as well as 樹秒the application and i南廠nnovative practice of hydrogen ener行睡gy in the fields of transporta農習tion, energy, chemical indu睡做stry, metallurgy and construction.


In the core technology exhibition area 跳年H2 Hall, Beijing Wenli ex為校hibited a number of core technol妹謝ogy products such as commercial vehic開開le fuel cell system "Tuo" 12去行0+, oil-free centrifugal air compres音間sor "LAN" 280, ultra-high speed m弟紙otor controller "Yu" 40, hyd看吧rogen ejector and gas-water separa吧也tor, attracting many industry計可 colleagues and visito答筆rs to stop and visit. Fully understand 理計the advantages of Bei湖生jing Wenli's self-deve電亮loped and homemade technol章議ogy in the field of fuel cells答議.

Beijing Wenli commercial veh西姐icle fuel cell system "Tuo這城" 120+, with its high standard 見呢system development and high app土知earance level of appear讀裡ance of the appearance of the eye,化姐 by many exhibitors attentio動南n and praise. The system has passed如討 the national strong inspection坐南, using high power den林懂sity ultra-thin graphit站子e plate reactor, self-d聽少eveloped a number of core com快答ponents, compact str白子ucture, volume power density of也雨 520W/L, mass power d家湖ensity of 603W/kg, with greater ou說熱tput power, higher efficiency, longer南土 service life and other excellent c靜房omprehensive performance. I好著t is suitable for heavy comme呢用rcial vehicles and heavy constru熱相ction machinery vehi自亮cles of 18 tons and abo微友ve.

In 2022, the 49 tons hydrog電能en energy heavy truck e為小quipped with the commercial v水光ehicle fuel cell system pas務頻sed the National Testing 樂和Center's vehicle product fi靜輛nalize inspection and 東東completed the new product acces明但s of the Ministry of Industry and Infor黑到mation Technology, ma匠訊rking another solid step in th著他e process of promoting 有人the commercial development年麗 of hydrogen energy an通紅d fuel cells, and the test verifi員的ed that the system can 要可meet the low temperature 舊村-30℃ fast start. To achieve stab醫我le performance output of the high alt歌時itude system, it can meet the w習妹orking conditions and actu人件al market needs in the field of 讀新heavy trucks such as "用南large load, long endurance知新, high speed, and good economic benefit白冷s throughout the life 但人cycle" under various關冷 working conditions.


With the development舞大 and progress of technology and increa照玩singly inclined policies, 紙光the development and util制讀ization of hydrogen energy will enter照雜 a substantial stage of d會這evelopment. In recen議不t years, hydrogen energy techno河舊logy has been continuo見海usly broken through and improved, the場媽 industrial scale has continu唱資ed to improve, and the applicati靜時on of hydrogen energy has gradually ex為章tended to industry, construction, tr學聽ansportation and other fi車廠elds. At present, with花站 the increasing development and prog訊水ress of the domestic hydrogen ener綠厭gy industry, Shaanxi has opened up a頻明 new energy track relying公商 on the development of the hyd錢員rogen energy industry. I個員n order to further expand the applic現區ation scenario of hydrogen energy,司頻 Shaanxi vigorously promote hydrogen fu笑草el cell heavy trucks, new buses, 討高sightseeing vehicles and other hy坐場drogen energy models, hydrogen fu長哥el cell transport road s好森cenes have begun to roll out, while b都小ased on hydrogen energy heavy truck t見腦echnology and patents have become水和 increasingly mature in長煙 China, the development of hydrogen e水拿nergy ushered in new market oppor又都tunities.

By promoting enterprise exchanges 事笑and technological achi業畫evements in the field of hydrog關頻en energy and fuel cell technology, 時她this conference will制會 promote win-win cooperation between u生下pstream and downstream enterprises in近廠 the hydrogen energy indus電現try chain, help the implement物舊ation of China's "dual carbon" strat技女egy, and open a new 不唱situation in the developme資志nt of domestic hydrogen energy.


With the R&D stre厭月ngth of independent innovation, Be務南ijing Wenli has been applyi道這ng cutting-edge techno雪上logy exploration to fu請我el cell systems such as吃日 commercial vehicles and fork北近lifts and distributed integrated energ站國y systems. In the fut吧費ure, Beijing Wenli will con事計tinue to deepen the 姐文field of hydrogen energy, acceler雪畫ate research and development te舞站chnology innovation in the 短老new track of hydrogen e秒匠nergy, and work with all 睡來hydrogen colleagues to promote the好商 healthy and sustainable develop林畫ment of hydrogen ener厭雜gy industry. To help reali劇問ze a new green future of low-carb報慢on energy transformation.