Developing green
hydrogen towards a net-zero fut聽化ure
Over 135 countries
In 2021, more than 135 要海countries set the goal of在中 net zero greenhouse gas 地媽 emissions, and the Inte又購rnational Energy Agency (件謝IEA) published its first ne兒冷t zero plan, providing a b計舊lueprint for countries to follow. 遠錯
Reduce carbon emissions by 800 billion tons
From now till 20件白50, hydrogen could red城山uce cumulative carbon dioxide emissio司雜ns by 80 bill個放ion tons, accounting for 20% 開黃to the total emissions reduc放兵tions. Reaching thi微日s goal would require using 得國of 660 million tons of hydroge可他n, it’s 22% of final glo這對bal energy demand. Hydrog冷她en has a central role to play in helpi林低ng the world meet its net做對-zero emissions target to limit global分電 warming to 1.5C. 章服
Annual demand for hydro自雪gen will rise to 130 million tons
Under the carbon peak scenari你人o in 2030, China's annual de工下mand for hydrogen will 睡月 reach 37.15 millio文我n tons, accounting for about 6% of the相秒 terminal energy con章兒sumption, and the production of放議 hydrogen from renewable energy 農嗎will reach about 5 飛不 million tons. Under 區體the carbon-neutral scenario in 2生和060, China's annual demand科對 for hyd業員rogen will increase to about 130人民 million tons, accounting for about 喝可20% of te銀藍rminal energy consumption, and來車 the production of hydroge銀通n from renewable 數作 energy sources will be ab歌兵out 100 million tons. Chi友但na will become the world's largest 錢地 hydrogen market by 就了2050, and the development of gree月船n hydrogen is of great 場日significance to the realization 飛花of the "3060" dual carbon target. 樂火
Hydrogen creates a
sustainable global environment

Each of us can live in a su體問stainable way, we can also co場鐵ntribute some solutions to 劇事 control global warmin事她g. We make millions of decisions鐘司 in our life, our choices and 美南 the 對們way of life have a p快學rofound impact on the planet.

The Human fate is closely related 秒跳to the earth's climate change, to spee校土d up the carbon n要雜eutrality in response to cli醫劇mate change has grad計討ually become the consensus of all 女離 human. Since WL Tech esta藍有blished, consciously歌如 holding the mission gi這相ven to us as huma音她n beings, to ful機雜fill the responsibility of envi小購ronmental protection, to achie技煙ve sustainable development 年厭of the earth's environment as 老新the goal, deeply think南風 of using hydr白照ogen energy to tackle climat做裡e change, promote the development o喝很f clean energy through inno還一vative technologies, 嗎子and build a bright future of a "zer雨朋o-carbon" world.